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Book description
Donna Leon could write a book describing nothing but what the Commissario had for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and I would not only read it, I would savor every word. As usual in a Brunetti novel, there is a mystery here to be solved--not even a true police case this time around--and that mystery allows Leon to share what she thinks about the state of the world. While I tend to agree with her beliefs, I read her books primarily for the characters and the glimpse into their daily lives as Venetians. While others might find the descriptions--of how Guido read the paper in the morning or decided to take the vaparetto or stopped for a drink before heading back to the office--to be banal, for me those moments are the joy. In this outing, we learn a little more about some of Brunettis colleagues, get a glimpse of his growing children, and see again the easy rapport he has with wife Paola. If I had one wish for Leon, it would be for her to go back to the characters of Guidos in-laws, a fascinating couple who have been absent from the series for far to long.
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