FULL The Energy Edge by Pamela Smith fb2 download free

FULL The Energy Edge by Pamela Smith fb2 download free

FULL The Energy Edge by Pamela Smith fb2 download free

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Book description
Tired even after a full nights rest? Gaining weight and having trouble losing it? Craving sweets? Is your mind fogging when forced to make quick decisions? All these symptoms can result from a lack of energy. In The Energy Edge,youll discover how to combat the energy vandalizers that drain your energy supply, including lack of sleep, depression, junk food, anxiety, and unhealthy relationships. Youll also find meal plans and recipes along with practical tips for:Eating well when dining outBeating the afternoon energy slumpStrengthening your immune systemIncreasing your sex driveBoosting memory and concentrationLosing weight without losing vitalityAnd much moreWith The Energy Edge,youll go from exhausted to elated--and have energy that lasts as long as your days!
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