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Book description
One of the toughest challenges novice CSS developers face is when seemingly perfect code doesnt translate into a perfectly rendered browser page--and with all the different browsers available today, this happens all too often. The CSS Detective Guide aims to help, by teaching real world troubleshooting skills. Youll learn how to track clues, analyze the evidence, and get to the truth behind CSS mysteries. These arent pat solutions, but rather strategies for thinking about CSS. Author Denise Jacobs begins by going over the basics of CSS with a special emphasis on common causes of problems. Then she shows you methods for giving your code the third degree. Then youll take a look at the line-up of usual suspects, the common problems and persistent bugs that are often encountered in CSS. Finally, youll have the chance to play detective and find the guilty culprit in: The Case of the Devilish DetailsThe Case of the Mistaken IdentityThe Case of the Single White SpaceThe Case of the Float with a Mind of Its OwnThe Case of the Browser Who Hated MeThe Case of the LOL LayoutAt the end, youll find that you can crack any case and solve any future mystery that you encounter, and your coding problems will become elementary. www.CssDetectiveGuide.com
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