FULL The Baseball Film in Postwar America: A Critical Study, 1948-1962 by Ron Briley phone shop tablet wiki free

FULL The Baseball Film in Postwar America: A Critical Study, 1948-1962 by Ron Briley phone shop tablet wiki free

FULL The Baseball Film in Postwar America: A Critical Study, 1948-1962 by Ron Briley phone shop tablet wiki free

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Book description

Book description
This work focuses on the baseball movie genre in the years following World War II, beginning with the 1948 biopic The Babe Ruth Story and ending with the 1962 Mickey Mantle-Roger Maris vehicle Safe at Home!, when the consensus was that conflict should be limited in American society by emphasizing economic growth and a strong stand against Communism. This study of selected films indicates, however, that this strategy was not entirely effective; while offering a certain amount of nostalgia, these films could not provide shelter from the storm gathering in postwar America which challenged conventional ideas of race, gender and class and broke in the 1960s.
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