FULL Stress-Busting Strategies for Teachers: How Do I Manage the Pressures of Teaching? by M. Nora Mazzone find read ipad flibusta pdf

FULL Stress-Busting Strategies for Teachers: How Do I Manage the Pressures of Teaching? by M. Nora Mazzone find read ipad flibusta pdf

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Book description
Does stress keep you up at night? Is there never enough time to do what you want and need to do at school and at home? Veteran educators Nora Mazzone and Barbara Miglionico have been there, too. Here, they offer simple, proven tactics to help you manage the stresses of being a classroom teacher. Learn how to Employ healthy practices that positively affect your mindset React, generalize, and maintain to create a positive environment Identify and use your ideal professional pace Exploit your intrinsic preferences for how to get the work done Make food and exercise choices that will better fuel your mind and body (ASCD Arias publication, 2014) 5 x 7 3/4, 48 pages.
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