FULL Stanley Yelnats Survival Guide to Camp Green Lake by Louis Sachar page ebook online torrent touch

FULL Stanley Yelnats Survival Guide to Camp Green Lake by Louis Sachar page ebook online torrent touch

FULL Stanley Yelnats Survival Guide to Camp Green Lake by Louis Sachar page ebook online torrent touch

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Book description
Imagine your misfortune if, like Stanley Yelnats, you found yourself the victim of a miscarriage of justice and interned in Camp Green Lake Correctional Institute. How would you survive? Thoughtfully Louis Sachar has learnt his knowledge and expertise to the subject and created this wonderful, quirky, and utterly essential guide to toughing it out in the Texan desert. Spiced with lots of information about the characters in Holes, as well as lots of dos and donts for survival, this is an essential book for all those hundreds of thousands of Holes fans.
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