FULL Sleuth, LLC: Birds of a Feather by Etienne (Goodreads Author) full reading ios online apple

FULL Sleuth, LLC: Birds of a Feather by Etienne (Goodreads Author) full reading ios online apple

FULL Sleuth, LLC: Birds of a Feather by Etienne (Goodreads Author) full reading ios online apple

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Book description
Quentin Quasar has found that being a telepath is a mixed bag: its great when hes catching an unfaithful spouse or tracking down a thief, but its horrible when his bedmate is thinking unflattering thoughts during sex. Its no wonder that instead of saying his prayers every night, Quentin sends tendrils of thought out into the world, looking for another telepath to ease the loneliness. Imagine his surprise when he finds one-and the young man needs help! Nate Braddock was plenty panicked at being kidnapped by fanatics who planned to beat the devil out of him. With Quentins help, and then his partnership, Nate finds the courage to take a stand against his mothers religious intolerance and together theyll confront an uncomfortable truth: telepaths may not be devils, but not all of them are angels either. Quentin and Nate will need their combined gifts to tell the difference.
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