FULL Sight Hound by Pam Houston read fb2 on ipad

FULL Sight Hound by Pam Houston read fb2 on ipad

FULL Sight Hound by Pam Houston read fb2 on ipad

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Book description
This is the story of a woman, Rae, and her dog, Dante, a wolfhound who teaches his human that love is stronger than fear (the dog has always known this). Dante is the catalyst for change in other characters as well, and they step forward with their narratives: Raes house-tender; her therapist; two veterinarians; and an anxiety-ridden actor, Howard, who turns out to be as stalwart as Dante himself. As the seer who hunts by sight rather than smell, Dante has some things to add, as does Rose, another dog who lives at Raes heels, and Stanley the cat. Among and above these myriad voices, Rae voices her own challenges. With the wit and dead-on candor weve come to expect from Pam Houston, Sight Hound unfolds a story that illuminates the intangible covenant between loved ones. Here, dogs and humans are simply equal creatures, looking to connect and holding on for dear life when they do.
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