FULL Serving the Billionaire by Bec Linder (Goodreads Author) txt online look spanish ios

FULL Serving the Billionaire by Bec Linder (Goodreads Author) txt online look spanish ios

FULL Serving the Billionaire by Bec Linder (Goodreads Author) txt online look spanish ios

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Book description
Regan takes the job because shes desperate. She just got fired, shes down to her last hundred bucks, and she hasnt spoken to her parents in years. Shes out of options, and serving drinks at an upscale gentlemens club sounds easy enough.At the Silver Cross Club, shes exposed to a world of wealth and hedonism that shes never experienced. And the clients tip well -- so well that shes willing to ignore the debauchery that goes on in the back rooms.Then she meets billionaire Carter Sutton.Scion of a powerful family, and a regular client at the club, hes rich, handsome, and incredibly charismatic. Regan finds herself being drawn into his orbit.But their undeniable chemistry cant prepare Regan for Carters sexual desires. Hes used to getting what he wants, and Regan has only two options: resist, or surrender completely...
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