FULL Sermons on biblical characters (Ministers paperback library) by Clovis Gillham Chappell read epub on ipad

FULL Sermons on biblical characters (Ministers paperback library) by Clovis Gillham Chappell read epub on ipad

FULL Sermons on biblical characters (Ministers paperback library) by Clovis Gillham Chappell read epub on ipad

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Book description

Book description
Rev. Clovis G. Chappell, D. D. published this collection of sermons in 1930. The topic of each sermon centers on one character from Biblical history. The table of Contents includes, The Missing Man - Thomas, The Great Refusal - Jonah, The Romance of faith - Peter, Loves Longing - Paul, Going Visiting - Jonathan, The Woman of the Shattered Romances - The Woman of Sychar, A God MAN - Barnabas, The Inquest, - Pharaoh, A Son of Shame - Jephthah, A Case of Blues - Eljiah, The Supreme Question - The Philippian Jailer, The Mother-in-Law - Naomi, Confessions of a Failure - The Busy Man, A Mothers Reward - Jochebed, A Good Mans Hell - Manasseh, and A Schrewd Fool - The Rich farmer.
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