FULL Scientific Secrets for Raising Kids Who Thrive by Peter M. Vishton wiki book find txt online

FULL Scientific Secrets for Raising Kids Who Thrive by Peter M. Vishton wiki book find txt online

FULL Scientific Secrets for Raising Kids Who Thrive by Peter M. Vishton wiki book find txt online

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Book description
Publishers SummaryParenting advice isnt hard to find. There are thousands of books on the subject, as well as a multitude of websites. Much has also been written on the science of child development. Whats been lacking, however, are sources of reliable advice that bring together the scientific research and its real-world applications.This course bridges the divide. In 24 engaging lectures, an expert in the cognitive development of early childhood presents what scientific research has revealed about the things parents can actively do to promote children’s long-term development right from birth. Professor Vishton delivers a wealth of practical tips to help children reach their full potential intellectually, emotionally, physically, and socially. And he supports it all with findings culled from the latest scientific literature.You’ll touch on topics across all areas of childrearing, from sleep and nutrition to behavior and academics. And you’ll get answers to many of the most common parenting questions:Should I sleep-train my baby by letting her “cry it out”?Should I let my infant, toddler, or child watch TV-and if so, how much?Should I allow my child to play video games?Should I pressure my picky eater to finish her vegetables?Should I spank my child when he misbehaves?In addition to learning methods for laying an early foundation in subjects such as math and reading, you’ll gain information for boosting your children’s overall cognitive abilities-and even their IQ scores.©2014 The Great Courses; ©2014 The Teaching Company, LLC
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