FULL Rome: An Oxford Archaeological Guide by Amanda Claridge how read iBooks book acquire access

FULL Rome: An Oxford Archaeological Guide by Amanda Claridge how read iBooks book acquire access

FULL Rome: An Oxford Archaeological Guide by Amanda Claridge how read iBooks book acquire access

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Book description
This isnt a guide for the typical tourist in Rome, nor is it the kind of book that youd read front-to-back. Think of it more like a high-quality reference for visitors to Rome who have at least a passing background in ancient history, and a strong interest in Roman archeology.Each chapter is designed to be read while you explore a different region of the Eternal City; there are maps and (very brief) instructions to walk you from one highlight to the next. Youll find plenty of technical information about major sites like the Forums and the Colosseum, but even better are all the little-known gems you can track down if youve got the patience and stamina. Youll find bits of ancient temples embedded in the walls of modern buildings, traces of old aqueducts, and remains of classical statues tucked away in alleys and side-streets. You can even find the exact spot where Caesar was assassinated, though there isnt much to see, since its under a road now.The only downside to this book is its age. As others have mentioned, it is badly in need of a second edition. Most of the information related to the various ruins and excavation sites is still correct, but it is sometimes incomplete. Much worse are the sections describing the various museums in Rome. These are now largely unusable, as most of the museums have long ago reorganized their collections.Nonetheless, this book is still the best reference of its type that I know of.
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