FULL Robots Are People Too: How Siri, Google Car, and Artificial Intelligence Will Force Us to Change Our Laws by John Frank Weaver offline get purchase mobile online

FULL Robots Are People Too: How Siri, Google Car, and Artificial Intelligence Will Force Us to Change Our Laws by John Frank Weaver offline get purchase mobile online

FULL Robots Are People Too: How Siri, Google Car, and Artificial Intelligence Will Force Us to Change Our Laws by John Frank Weaver

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Book description
For years, robots were solely a matter of science fiction. Today, artificial intelligence technologies serve to accelerate our already fast-paced lives even further. From Apples Siri to the Google Car to GPS, machines and technologies that make decisions and take action without direct human supervision have become commonplace in our daily lives. As a result, laws must be amended to protect companies that produce robots and the people that buy and use them. This book provides an extensive examination of how numerous legal areas--including liability, traffic, zoning, and international and constitutional law--must adapt to the widespread use of artificial intelligence in nearly every area of our society. The author scrutinizes the laws governing such fields as transportation, medicine, law enforcement, childcare, and real estate development.
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