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Book description
Reiki is an ancient, hands-on healing art with origins in the Tibetan sutras. It has been used primarily by individuals in a daily practice that helps recharge, realign, and rebalance energy in the body. Today Reiki is joining other complementary therapies in the conventional settings of hospitals, hospices, counseling centers, emergency rooms, intensive care units. Nurses, physical therapists, surgeons, midwives, and anesthetists report that Reiki can help manage pain and promote healing. Counselors and caregivers treating those with terminal illness find that Reiki gives patients an increased physical, emotional, and psychological ability to cope. Reiki Energy Medicine explains the bodys energy system, and describes how Reiki can be used in a variety of settings to balance energy and create the conditions needed for healing. Reiki Energy Medicine is the first book to show how this ancient art of touch therapy can work within our mainstream health care system. As our health-care system challenges institutions to offer high-quality but cost-effective service, Reiki can be an important tool that can help maximize patient care and minimize recovery time. Reiki does not require complicated techniques or extensive training: practitioners of many disciplines are able to easily incorporate it into their specialties.
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