FULL Punk Rock Aerobics: 75 Killer Moves, 50 Punk Classics, And 25 Reasons To Get Off Your Ass And Exercise by Maura Jasper phone eng ebay online itunes

FULL Punk Rock Aerobics: 75 Killer Moves, 50 Punk Classics, And 25 Reasons To Get Off Your Ass And Exercise by Maura Jasper phone eng ebay online itunes

FULL Punk Rock Aerobics: 75 Killer Moves, 50 Punk Classics, And 25 Reasons To Get Off Your Ass And Exercise by Maura Jasper phone

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Book description
* Would you flee in terror if confronted with a room full of sweaty people in spandex thongs?* Are you not immune to the occasional Van Halen-style air guitar jump?* Have you been known to push aside your coffee table and dance like crazy in your living room?If you answered yes to any of these questions, here at last is your workout book. As simple as throwing on that old Ramones (or even White Stripes) record, punk meets a high- and low-impact workout in an exercise craze that is spreading like wildfire amongst teens and aging rockers alike: Punk Rock Aerobics. Unlikely bedfellows though they seem, punk has always been about image-from Iggys abs to the Sex Pistols carefully cultivated outfits. Back in the good old days cigarettes would suffice to keep rockers slim, but to have real punk energy, say these rockers-turned-certified- aerobics-instructors, you need to drop those chips and get off the couch.Chock-full of easy-to-follow moves in an accessible, home-exercise-friendly format, Punk Rock Aerobics contains photos and instructions for DIY, heart-pumping (and thigh-slimming) retro moves like the Air Guitar, the Skank, and the Fire Hydrant, while suggesting songs by the Sex Pistols, Blondie, and the Stooges for a perfect workout soundtrack. With sidebars and Q&As with rockers like J. Mascis and Evan Dando, this is definitely not your moms aerobics class (Boston Globe).
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