FULL Newbies by James A. Moore (Goodreads Author) direct link story iBooks book spanish

FULL Newbies by James A. Moore (Goodreads Author) direct link story iBooks book spanish

FULL Newbies by James A. Moore (Goodreads Author) direct link story iBooks book spanish

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Book description
Brittany, a girl who smart and solitary, starts attending Dunhaven Academy. She soon finds that there are several groups of individuals in the area. There are the Townies who really dislike the student from Dunhaven. There are the Dunhaven students. Theres also a group of students who are followers of a very nasty and totally evil young thug.Things dont get off to a good start at the school with three students going missing in the first week. It becomes obvious that Reggie, thug-in-chief, has access to dark powers and hes willing to sacrifice anyone or anything to get the riches he desires. This includes Brittany.Theres a really good scene in the underground chambers where we find out how evil Reggie really is and how desperate Brittanys fight is going to be to save her life and the life of her friend. Its a fairly good story.
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