FULL Needles and Artifice: A Refined Adventure Story with Ingenious Knitting Patterns by The Ladies of Mischief macbook online ebook review look

FULL Needles and Artifice: A Refined Adventure Story with Ingenious Knitting Patterns by The Ladies of Mischief macbook online ebook review look

FULL Needles and Artifice: A Refined Adventure Story with Ingenious Knitting Patterns by The Ladies of Mischief macbook online

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Book description

Book description
The Ladies of Mischief Interrupt Their Knitting to Present to You…Needles and Artifice: A Refined Adventure Story with Ingenious Knitting PatternsGentle ladies and kind sirs: welcome to the world of Needles and Artifice, where corseted Victorian fashion gets an energized infusion of punk.In this fantastically playful take on steampunk knitwear design, the Ladies of Mischief offer not only 23 original patterns, but also a high-flying, busk-snapping adventure that plays out across each chapter.Pull on your goggles and spats, knitters: you’re in for a wild ride.The Ladies of Mischief are 12 friends who believe that if you mix different personalities, quirky ideas, a vast variety of talents and gifts, and a handful of challenges, with trust, love, and a little compassion… you can write a book and run a business. They really believe the power of friendship can encourage, support, and push you to use your talents for creative, collaborative and visionary work. And they wrote you this book to prove it could be done. But mostly they did this because they are all really good friends. And they really like to knit. And wear corsets.
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