FULL Name of a Wolf by Jez Morrow (Goodreads Author) book eReader pdf story spanish

FULL Name of a Wolf by Jez Morrow (Goodreads Author) book eReader pdf story spanish

FULL Name of a Wolf by Jez Morrow (Goodreads Author) book eReader pdf story spanish

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Book description
Banished from his ancestral home, haughty young aristocrat David Blackleigh falls into the company of outlaws in the wild lands of Craiglaren.The outlaw leader is the breathtaking, handsome Connor Donnaugh, a sexual power who lives hard, loves hard and shows only disdain for Davy, leaving Davy hurt, bewildered and seething with desire. Connor has a reason for keeping his distance, and it is not for lack of wanting. To know love is to know fear. The wild lands are dangerous. And feeding their lust could be their undoing.
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