FULL Myths and Legends of the Australian Aborigines by W. Ramsay Smith price tom view online macbook

FULL Myths and Legends of the Australian Aborigines by W. Ramsay Smith price tom view online macbook

FULL Myths and Legends of the Australian Aborigines by W. Ramsay Smith price tom view online macbook

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A couple nights ago I finished reading Aborigine Myths and Legends by William Ramsy Smith, part of Senate Publishings great Myths and Legends series. This was the secound book on Aborigine myths that I read, the first being written in about 1890 this one was written in 1930. The book was illustrated throughout with pictures of the myth, illustrations of objects used by the aboriginals and reproductions of actual photographs from other books. The book seemed in parts like an early unscientific ethnography for the general reader, as apart from myths also included were hunting, games and magic practices. I enjoyed the look at aboriginal witchcraft a great deal, though the way it was written was full of very telling adjectives like pretends and deceives. It was an interesting look into life, but also a telling look into the people writing at the time. Despite a rather lengthy section on aboriginal life there was nothing about what the women did and everything referred to was a male activity. Which seemed especially odd when compared with the mythology itself where women had frequently a very active role. I like aboriginal myths a lot, like China they are a very ancient culture thats existed as such for thousands of years, and when reading their mythology it becomes clear what a fundamental grasp they have on the world around them, how well they understand it and are a part of it, almost as if they were the true daoists. At least before the effects of colonization which I dont want to get into too much here as thats a whole big topic of controversy which is in many ways terribly sucky.But I very much enjoyed the creation myths, the Goddess who created the world and the way it was filled, how intelligence was given to the animals to grow and develop before it was given to man was such an interesting concept. I find native American animal myths, and western European animal fables to be not that interesting. The Australian ones though for some reason I like. I think its because they act like humans, or have real feelings and behaviours but then they still do something cool and animal related like fly. I feel unable to draw any conclusions about how I feel about how women were treated in these myths. In the first book I read they seemed to be treated a bit more equally with a strong feeling of justice and a sense of value applied to them and their roles. But I didnt get that so much from this book. I think perhaps the difference may be that the first book was written by a woman and the second by a man. The first book was also a specific tribes tales, and the secound book looked at the whole country, and its hard to draw specific conclusions from a more diverse population. There was one story I read which I found rather disturbing, it was about two sisters who ate a fish that was forbidden to women and if a woman ate it she was condemned to death. I was a bit horrified that there was something that was so tasty that they wouldnt let women, on pain of death, eat it but wanted to keep it for the men. That seemed a bit excessive to me. The womans husband found out that his wives had done this and tracked them down after they fled for their lives and decided he had to kill them for their sin even though he loved them. I felt myself being very indignant and outraged, and then the last line was after he killed them and turned their bodies to stone, he went into the sea, drowned himself and collected their souls and they all went up to heaven. Which totally threw me for a loop, perhaps a later hollywood ending stuck on? or perhaps the real story? But nonetheless it was a very interesting read.
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