FULL Mountain Survival by Edward Packard eReader itunes view windows download

FULL Mountain Survival by Edward Packard eReader itunes view windows download

FULL Mountain Survival by Edward Packard eReader itunes view windows download

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Book description
Mountain Survival (Choose Your Own Adventure #28) by Edward Packard is you, the narrator, crash landing in a small plane in the Canadian Rockies. You must not only set off from the crash site to find your way back to civilization but do it quickly because the planes pilot has to stay behind and wait for you due to injury. I received this book as part of a lot of CYOA books I bought and wasnt looking to forward to it. The premise sounded like the story might get repetitive but this is actually a solid entry into the series. You have to fight your way through freezing conditions, kidnappers, injuries, boulders, bears, pulmonary edemas (!), and pretty much anything else remote mountain-related you can think of (except for maybe mountain goats).There are some good decisions that you must make based on knowledge you already have and/or something mentioned earlier in the book. One example of this is being asked if the direction you continue traveling will be keeping the sun to your left or to your right. I found there were many different ways to go about being saved, which was fun. Some pages have up to three options to choose from and sometimes the book tracks back in on itself instead of giving you entirely new adventures. It is only a 115 page book after all and Ive found this author does that with most of his books. The only real problems I had were a few times your fate or those of others are never given in a few of the endings. Theres one upbeat ending where you await certain help. But if you chose the other path youll find that in fact the help youre expecting probably crashed! And other times it simply doesnt tell you what happened to the pilot or another boy you (might) run into in the wilderness.My complaints are pretty minor and I had a good time with this one despite the premise not really appealing to me. This is helped by some great art from the oft-reliable Leslie Morrel. It has a very gritty feel with lots of shading lines and realistic characters. Some of the best drawings in the series.
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