FULL Miriams Cup: A Passover Story by Fran Manushkin no registration read macbook full sale

FULL Miriams Cup: A Passover Story by Fran Manushkin no registration read macbook full sale

FULL Miriams Cup: A Passover Story by Fran Manushkin no registration read macbook full sale

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Book description
Although this book does contain Biblical information about the life events of Miriam and Moses, it also contains Jewish myth and legend (which I would not been expecting if I had bothered to read the blurb because getting the book). Since I am unfamiliar with these Jewish legends about Miriams prophecies, her role in convincing her father to remarriage her mother after he and all of Israel divorce their wives in order to not conceive children the Pharaoh would then try to kill, about the well that God gave to Miriam after the parting of the Red Sea that followed the Israelites all through their 40 year journey in the wildness. Reading these things in the story was rather a shock for us. The book can be read by just skipping those sentences and paragraphs but then the whole connection to the modern ritual of Miriams Cup is lost.
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