FULL Miracle Ride: A True Story of Illness, Faith, Humor - And Triumph by Tzipi Caton eReader online read pocket price

FULL Miracle Ride: A True Story of Illness, Faith, Humor - And Triumph by Tzipi Caton eReader online read pocket price

FULL Miracle Ride: A True Story of Illness, Faith, Humor - And Triumph by Tzipi Caton eReader online read pocket price

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Book description
For 16-year-old Tzipi Caton, 11th grade meant exams, friends, homework, and play tryouts. Suddenly, it meant cancer. Facing a cold, new world of tests, IVs, biopsies, needles and cell-destroying chemicals, Tzipi made a decision. Shed face the reality of her illness with honesty and humor; shed keep a detailed, upbeat account of the entire experience. Miracle Ride is Tzipis remarkable journal. We cry with her; we laugh at her outrageous jokes and pranks. We meet her friends, her family, and the neighbors, classmates, teachers and professionals who stood by her. We catch an insiders view of the poignant stories of the cancer patients she befriended. Tzipis brilliant entries glow with courage, wit and warmth. Though Tzipis story is uncommon, the issues she confronts are universal: keeping relationships strong while under great strain, the often-misguided demand for perfection in a potential marriage partner, and, most important, our search for G-ds Presen
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