FULL Me, Him, Them, & It by Caela Carter (Goodreads Author) buy tom english download itunes

FULL Me, Him, Them, & It by Caela Carter (Goodreads Author) buy tom english download itunes

FULL Me, Him, Them, & It by Caela Carter (Goodreads Author) buy tom english download itunes

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Book description
ME is Evelyn Jones, 16, a valedictorian hopeful whos been playing bad girl to piss off THEM, her cold, distant parents. HIM is Todd, Evelyns secret un-boyfriend, who she thought she was just using for sex - until she accidentally fell in love with him. But before Evelyn gets a chance to tell Todd how she feels, something much more important comes up. IT. IT is a fetus. Evelyn is pregnant - and when Todd turns his back on her, Evelyn has no idea who to turn to. Can a cheating father, a stiff, cold mother, a pissed-off BFF, and a (thankfully!) loving aunt with adopted girls of her own help Evelyn make the heart-wrenching decisions that follow?
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