FULL Magics Muse by Anne Barwell (Goodreads Author) ipad read pocket book value

FULL Magics Muse by Anne Barwell (Goodreads Author) ipad read pocket book value

FULL Magics Muse by Anne Barwell (Goodreads Author) ipad read pocket book value

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Book description
Sequel to Cats QuillTomas and Cathal have escaped from Naearu, Cathal’s mystical homeworld, but happily ever after is never as straightforward in real life as it is in books. Then again, most people don’t deal with the complication of a lover who’s magically bound to a tree or have an interfering cat for a cousin.With Naearu’s police force, the Falcons, still after Cathal, he can’t go home. Now that he and Tomas have consummated their relationship, Cathal’s abilities are evolving and changing to the point that Tomas can sense them. And until the oak portal closes, Cathal—and his new life with Tomas—are in limbo, as Cathal can’t expect Tomas to stay with someone who can never venture past the property line. Will he and Tomas ever get to follow through on their engagement?
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