FULL Living Sober by Anonymous selling eReader how download reading read

FULL Living Sober by Anonymous selling eReader how download reading read

FULL Living Sober by Anonymous selling eReader how download reading read

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Book description
So I dont drink. I have never been a drinker. I can count the times I have had alcohol on one finger. I read this book because it was on a bookshelf at a home I was at. One overwhelming thing I took from this book was that lots of A.A. stuff is based on this has worked for a lot of people Nothing super scientific about that. Does why even really matter? I know I get hung up on whys a lot instead of just doing what ought be done...not with drinking but with many an other thing. So maybe thats just one great universal truth that applies to a lot of other things. DO WHAT WORKS As long as your not like a whack-o serial killer or something that sounds alright to me!
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