FULL Last Chance Lassiter by Paul Levine (Goodreads Author) ios get prewiew itunes download

FULL Last Chance Lassiter by Paul Levine (Goodreads Author) ios get prewiew itunes download

FULL Last Chance Lassiter by Paul Levine (Goodreads Author) ios get prewiew itunes download

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Book description
Jake Lassiter the ShysterI have fallen in love with Jake Lassiter! But sadly, I can only love him vicariously through the women he encounters - and as in all good fiction a new one crops up in every book. I have been reading all the books in the Jake Lassiter series, up to and including Last Chance Lassiter. This book - which I read in one afternoon and into the same evening - filled in the gap from when Lassiter was working for a large prestigious firm and why he left there to be a sole practitioner. Lassiter, despite his bulky outside appearance is a softie inside, as clearly evidenced by his propensity to represent the vulnerable, down-trodden client (or customer as he refers to them) who generally does not have the financial resources to pay him. This book is no exception. The clients who come to him for help are quirky, eccentric and most often very funny. In this particular book, the client on which it focuses is an old gentleman who was a famous singer/songwriter/musician in his heyday. Jake takes his case which is centered on plagiarism by a young popular rapper. As usual, in this book Jake creates the most unique way to prove his clients legal issues and comes out at the other end prevailing no matter the obstacles with which hes faced. Its in this book where we see how he came up with his own personal set of rules by which he practices law. If youve read any of the other books in this series you know this code of justice theme runs through each book. Dr. Riggs, former medical examiner who was unjustly ousted from his position because he dared to tell the truth, is always able to provide invaluable assistance with Lassiters seemingly unwinable cases. Yet for all the familiarity you will find in this book dont let yourself think you have the plot all figured out before the conclusion of the book because the outcome will only be revealed at the very end after its gone every which direction through multiple twists and turns which only make you think that you know whats going to happen. Through this series, I have come to expect that nothing is ever as it seems and I think thats one of the biggest reasons I have come to love Jake Lassiter - his unpredictability. Even though it will probably not take you long to read this book, you will not be disappointed because its as complex and compelling as are all of the longer Lassiter series books. I could easily see them as a TV series. At least it doesnt hurt to hope!
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