FULL Karate Chop & Minna Needs Rehearsal Space by Dorthe Nors price access online tom full version

FULL Karate Chop & Minna Needs Rehearsal Space by Dorthe Nors price access online tom full version

FULL Karate Chop & Minna Needs Rehearsal Space by Dorthe Nors price access online tom full version

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Book description
Two works from Danish author Dorthe Nors, published back to back.Karate ChopIn these miniature tales, Dorthe Nors sketches ordinary lives taking unexpected turns: a sons love for his father is tested when he suddenly discovers its fragility; a woman in an abusive relationship seeks to better understand the choices she has made; a man with dreams of self-improvement is haunted by deceit; and a daughter watches on silently as her mothers search for meaning ends in madness.Nors conjures up a flawed, unsettlingly familiar world with each cautionary glance as fresh moments of wonder, romance and frail beauty are unexpectedly infiltrated by depravity, isolation and despair.Minna Needs Rehearsal SpaceMinna is feeling desperate. Lars has just dumped her by text message. Her friends are constantly flaunting their lovers, children and dogs (with Facebook as their cruel accomplice). And her neurotic sister is everywhere she turns. Minna needs security, and a place in Copenhagen to practise her music. Minna wants a child. Minna needs to stop being answerable to everyone. So, with only Ingmar Bergman for comfort and company, she decides to take a trip away from it all. In this novella, Dorthe Nors explores our struggles to find love, relate to others and simply be heard above the relentless noise of the modern age.
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