FULL Juggernaut by Desmond Bagley pdf download free

FULL Juggernaut by Desmond Bagley pdf download free

FULL Juggernaut by Desmond Bagley pdf download free

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As a child/teenager I absolutely loved the ”simple” suspense novels by Desmond Bagley & Alistair MacLean, eating up every word. Triggered by an audio adaption of Landslide I fell upon, I decided to revisit Desmond Bagley to see if the Novels could withstand the wear of more than 35 years.The first (pleasant) surprise was that even though I thought I had read all the books, not all were translated to Danish at that time, so I could start out with a couple of new experiences.The Golden Keel (1963) , High Citadel (1965) , Wyatts Hurricane (1966)The first 3 books, all new to me, were pleasant surprises and it was plain to see why Bagley so quickly became a best-seller novelist, the stories are well written with a fast pace and a sense of detail which makes them readable even today. Landslide (1967)Landslide was a revisit and one of my favorites both back then and now, the story is catching and has a definite film manuscript feeling about it, The Vivero Letter (1968)Another “new” novel, it was not as strong as the first 4 but still enjoyable.The Spoilers (1969)Another new novel and a definitely low point, the story is weak and utterly unbelievable.Running Blind (1970)Another reread and another favorite, maybe his best novel, the story is strong, the setting in Iceland is brilliant and characters, simple as they are, are believable. The Freedom Trap (1971) Another new novel very loosely connected to running blind, this time mostly placed in Ireland, slightly weaker than its predecessor but still a enjoyable read.The Tightrope Men (1973) Another reread, Bagleys take on the Cold War political thriller, which Le Carre made famous in those years, The political intrigues falls somewhat flat for me, but the surrounding action story is Bagley at his bestThe Snow Tiger (1975) Another reread, I read this again in 2012 and decided not to reread it this time around. The story is well written and as something new constructed around a retrospektiv framework so the first half of the book retells events already happened whereas the story kicks off from there, Bagleys first attempt to play with the narrative form and well carried out. definitely in top 3 bagley. The Enemy (1977) Another new novel and a good one at that. Bagley is now a mature storyteller with more dimensions, the story are still fast paced but far more unpredictable than the earlier novels, this one actually spins off in a totally unexpected direction two thirds though, another solid novel and far from outdated. Flyaway (1978)Another new novel and the first max Stafford novel, the story mostly place in the middle east are well written and believable even today. , Bahama Crisis (1980)Another new novel, not a bad story but the political setup seems far fetched today. Windfall (1982)Another New novel and the second Max Stafford novel, way better than Bahama Crisis. Placed partly in Africa and again playing with the format having two main characters intermingling. , Night Of Error (1984)Another reread, a strong novel where Bagley again does what hes best at, using well researched science to create a believable background story and adding a fast paced action story on top of it., Juggernaut (1985)His last book, another reread (even though I have to admit I did not recall much of it), again set in africa a tour de force though a civil war ridden country.A somewhat mixed bag of sweets, its definately a more mature bagley (the female characters do not automatically fall in love with our main character) but its also somewhat cynical and pessimistic regarding the human nature in general.So after 16 books spanning 22 years all written more than 30 years ago the verdict is:Desmond Bagley was a superb writer in his time, unfortunately most of his books are to set in their own time to be relevant for new generations of readers, but a few will probably survive like:High Citadel. Landslide, running Blind, The Snow tiger and Flyaway
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