FULL Jocks and Burnouts: Social Categories and Identity in the High School by Penelope Eckert itunes link original selling read

FULL Jocks and Burnouts: Social Categories and Identity in the High School by Penelope Eckert itunes link original selling read

FULL Jocks and Burnouts: Social Categories and Identity in the High School by Penelope Eckert itunes link original selling read

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Book description
I went into this book thinking that it would be dated. After all, who still uses the term burnout?However, I found this book to be still relevant. On the surface, it covers the evolution of two polarized social groups in high schools. A couple of conclusions that the book reaches is that family background does not necessarily dictate membership in either group, and importantly for myself as a teacher, students begin to form identities that lead to future group membership long before they reach high school. The book avoids assigning value judgments to being a jock or a burnout, and while reading, I found myself identifying and sympathizing more with the burnouts, although I wouldnt have considered myself a member of either group when I was in high school (Eckert calls these people in-betweens, which apparently was a name also used by such people to describe themselves).Additionally, it indirectly comments on a lot more than the jock/burnout dichotomy. The concepts of class divide and privilege are also explored, and so many times I found myself saying thats so true and thinking about the implications that the conclusions mentioned in this book have for the world beyond high school.Anyone who works with kids should read this book, since it also discusses how the formation of these categories begins much before high school. Id also say that anyone who has kids of their own should also read it, as the book also logically concludes that parental behaviors affect youth identity creation. I feel like I did a bad job of reviewing this book, but as an educator and someone who finds sociological studies to be interesting, I cant recommend it enough.
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