FULL Its Halloween, Im Turning Green by Dan Gutman touch page link read via

FULL Its Halloween, Im Turning Green by Dan Gutman touch page link read via

FULL Its Halloween, Im Turning Green by Dan Gutman touch page link read via

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Book description
AJ and his Weird School friends are all ready to go trick-or-treating. Things dont turn out quite as expected when a monster steals all their candy and the kids find out the monster is after Mrs. Yonkerss (their technology teacher) machine that makes everything giant (the kids want to use the machine to make their candy giant). Can the kids keep their candy safe or will Halloween be ruined?I am a fan of Dan Gutman books. His Weird School series is always guaranteed to be a fun read. I love Mr. Gutmans humor and I think he writes this series really well for younger kids. This is a perfect book if you are looking for a fun Halloween story that isnt super scary but has a lot of mystery and fun in it. Actually it would be a fun read any time of the year! I like that there are Halloween-themed games and puzzles included in the book. It is a nice addition.*NOTE I bought my own copy of this book.
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