FULL Introduction to Biotechnology by William J. Thieman review prewiew pdf free link

FULL Introduction to Biotechnology by William J. Thieman review prewiew pdf free link

FULL Introduction to Biotechnology by William J. Thieman review prewiew pdf free link

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Book description
Introduction to Biotechnology is the first biotechnology textbook geared specifically for the diverse scientific backgrounds of undergraduate students interested in pursuing a career in biotechnology. With its balanced coverage of basic molecular biology, historical developments, and contemporary applications, the text provides you with the tools and basic knowledge for success in the biotech industry. Author William Thieman chairs one of the leading biotech programs in California (Ventura College), and co-author Michael A. Palladino is a molecular biologist with considerable expertise in directing undergraduate student research in recombinant DNA technology. A comprehensive introduction, including sections on genes & genomes, recombinant DNA technology, forensic analysis, and a variety of biotechnology types such as agricultural and medical. For college instructors, students, or anyone interested in biotechnology.
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