FULL Immune System Control: Colostrum & Lactoferrin by Beth M. Ley spanish download information eng book

FULL Immune System Control: Colostrum & Lactoferrin by Beth M. Ley spanish download information eng book

FULL Immune System Control: Colostrum & Lactoferrin by Beth M. Ley spanish download information eng book

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Book description
You can control your immune system! The immune system is responsible for protecting every aspect of our health. Colostrum, also known as mothers first milk and its primary immune supporting protein, Lactoferrin, support optimal immunity and health. Learn about the significance of the oral cavity delivery for both the newborn and the adult and how to select the best product to fit your needs! Find out how these important substances can help you regain and maintain good health. Evidence shows these powerful immune regulators and enhancers can help fight: * Colds and flu * Asthma * Cancer * Elevated cholesterol * HIV * Allergies * Diabetes * Ulcers * MS
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