FULL Immortal by Christopher Golden (Goodreads Author) book mobi online

FULL Immortal by Christopher Golden (Goodreads Author) book mobi online

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Here we have an original Buffy novel, one thats not an adaption of an episode or season of the popular television show. Buffy: Immortal is supposed to take place just after season 4, and its in this that the book series holds its real charm. The tv series, like many, was broadcast between September and June for much of its run, skipping over the summer months. While some series choose to ignore this gap and continue to tell stories as though the beginning of one season takes place directly after the last (ie: Friends), Buffy chose to embrace this pattern and skip over the summer months, making the series follow a standard school year. This allowed for character changes to occur during the gaps, like Dawns training and maturation between seasons 6 and 7. It also allows for holes that expanded universe material, like the Buffy novels, can fill.The book itself jumps between the present time and several hundred years ago, when a vampire named Veronique and a slayer named Lucy were engaged in heated battle, culminating in the immortal vampire being trapped in an abandoned church. While all vampires are immortal by our standards, Veronique brings it to a new level: she cant be killed even by conventional means as outlined in the show.When the book succeeds is in its characters. Xander is quippy the way he is in the show. Anya is wonderfully strange, and Williow is sweet as ever. Giles, Riley and Spike also get good treatments, although Spikes is a little off when one realizes where the series goes.It fails in two places, which are sadly major errors. The first and deadliest is Buffy. Shes not badly written, the whole thing just seems flat and uninteresting. Its the same with the Buffy of the movie and the Season 8 comics. I think that while some characters are developed mainly by writers and some characters are made via a combination of input from both writers and actors… And some characters are made by the actors. Given all the Buffy material available, I suspect that she is the latter. All respect to Joss Whedon, but I think Sarah Michelle Geller is the driving force behind the character.The other issue is the end. The whole novel leads up to a climactic battle between the Scoobies and Veronique that ends up not happening. Its summarized much like this: “The battle went long into the night, and in the end they won. ” WHAT A FUCKING COCK TEASE. Excuse my vulgarity. Thats just wrecked storytelling. Disappointment on a Stephen King level, without the awesomeness of a King second act.Just a Pissoff. 2/5.
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