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FULL IldГёglernes sang - Skjaldenes hal - Dragetrommer by Anne McCaffrey epub kickass online francais how read

FULL IldГёglernes sang - Skjaldenes hal - Dragetrommer by Anne McCaffrey epub kickass online francais how read

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This is my all time favorite fantasy book! I read it as a youth and Ive probably read it 100 times...my book has fallen apart. Its got 3 books in one and many other books related to these but out of the ones Ive read its my fav. The others get a little too much for me. Its about a young girl who has a musical talent although she is told she is not allowed to use it. From that time on she decides to live alone and from there her true adventure begins...Dragons and a world that seems so primitive yet if you read Dragonsdawn you will find its actually set in the future but theve forgotten as years and years have gone by.Her planet that she lives on is called Pern. After she leaves her family to live alone she rescues some eggs only to find that they have tiny dragons. She lives alone until something happens and is rescued and brought to another part of her planet. As she heals she makes friends and is brought to a special school that teaches her to use her talents.I cant explain better but if you like this kind of stuff you will enjoy it. Everytime I read it I get lost in the book and I myself enjoy the adventure she embarks on.
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