FULL Holding Their Own X: The Toymaker by Joe Nobody (Goodreads Author) access cheap download iphone amazon

FULL Holding Their Own X: The Toymaker by Joe Nobody (Goodreads Author) access cheap download iphone amazon

FULL Holding Their Own X: The Toymaker by Joe Nobody (Goodreads Author) access cheap download iphone amazon

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Book description
Life as a post-apocalyptic rancher isn’t easy for Bishop and his family. The Texan’s struggles are further complicated by a recovery that has left him feeling out-of-touch with the new realities of a rapidly changing society. Out of the West comes the most serious challenge the Alliance has ever faced, a danger so potent that it could lead to another downfall and spell the end of the grand experiment in self-reliance. Respecting Bishop and Terri’s wishes to live a normal, secluded life, the Alliance leadership does it’s best to overcome the new threat. Despite heroic acts and the best intentions, their efforts only succeed in pulling society closer to the brink of another collapse. With their friends in danger, war looming on the horizon, and the Alliance’s future teetering on the brink, the couple are thrust into a face-paced adventure that tests the limits of their skills, intellect, and love for each other.
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