FULL Hello Love by Karen McQuestion (Goodreads Author) free view doc german selling

FULL Hello Love by Karen McQuestion (Goodreads Author) free view doc german selling

FULL Hello Love by Karen McQuestion (Goodreads Author) free view doc german selling

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Book description
From the bestselling author of The Long Way Home comes a charming novel about two strangers who find a second chance at happiness when they’re brought together by one extraordinary dog. A year after the death of his wife, Christine, Dan is barely holding on. But one thing gets him through the long, lonely nights and that is his cherished dog, Anni. When she is stolen from his front yard, Dan and his daughter, Lindsay, are devastated. Meanwhile in another part of town, Andrea Keller is recovering from the heartbreak of a messy divorce. After she rescues a defenseless dog from an abusive tenant, her life changes in ways she never could have anticipated.Dan and Andrea cross paths again and again, only to keep missing each other and the opportunity of a lifetime. As Anni works to find her way home, can she bring together these two lost souls desperately in need of a second chance at happiness?
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