FULL Gunflint: The Trail, The People, The Stories by John Henricksson ipad book macbook how read kickass

FULL Gunflint: The Trail, The People, The Stories by John Henricksson ipad book macbook how read kickass

FULL Gunflint: The Trail, The People, The Stories by John Henricksson ipad book macbook how read kickass

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Book description
The Gunflint Trail in northeastern Minnesota, with its unique natural beauty, is a place where cell phones dont work and there are no billboards to block the sky. Modernization without commercialization in the area is a result of the conscious efforts of the Gunflint Trail community. In the Trails rich history are early resort successes, attempts at mining and colorful characters whose stories have endured. Accompanying CD contains the stories of people of the Gunflint Trail in their own words.
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