FULL Gods Bits of Wood by Ousmane SembГЁne book fb2 online

FULL Gods Bits of Wood by Ousmane SembГЁne book fb2 online

FULL Gods Bits of Wood by Ousmane SembГЁne book fb2 online

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Book description
Vividly capturing the 1947-8 Dakar-Niger railway strike, Gods Bit of Wood never ceases to shock, to inspire, and to ultimately shed light on an event that truly shaped the importance of the African culture. Despite its many characters and at times confusing names and places, each story of the workers and their wives, the whites and the oppressors, the beggars and the unloved, all demonstrate the immense struggle that everyone was going through during the strike and the tremendous courage it took to follow through with it. The strike itself was certainly a revolt against the mistreatment and racism that the Africans had been experiencing for years by the European colonists that took advantage of them. Even more than that however, another type of prejudice is addressed in the novel and that is the issue of gender. The women are constantly battling with their roles in society and with equality that never seemed to be possible until the strike. Finally, particular strong female characters are each in their own way finding their inner strength and standing up to their men who think they are lower than themselves. Sembene Ousmane weaves a beautiful piece of historical fictions with Gods Bits of Wood and teaches the reader to never forget that matters of race, gender, and equality, are all matters that might never go away but we must still always fight for.
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