FULL Goats Dont Brush Their Teeth - Op by Trina Wiebe portable book epub itunes amazon

FULL Goats Dont Brush Their Teeth - Op by Trina Wiebe portable book epub itunes amazon

FULL Goats Dont Brush Their Teeth - Op by Trina Wiebe portable book epub itunes amazon

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Book description
This award-winning series features Abby, an aspiring veterinarian who desperately wants a pet but lives in a no pets allowed apartment building, and her younger sister, Tess. The girls go into the pet-sitting business and discover new things about animals and new ways to solve problems. In Goats Dont Brush Their Teeth, Abby cant wait to spend a week at her grandmothers farm. Theres a new animal to take care of, not to mention her own bedroom free from her annoying younger sister, Tess. But despite her new freedom, Abby begins to wonder where Tess disappears to very day, and why things around the farm keep going missing. As the mysteries slowly reveal themselves, both sisters learn that keeping secrets can sometimes be more trouble than its worth.
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