FULL Garfield Goes to Waist by Jim Davis francais get link library free

FULL Garfield Goes to Waist by Jim Davis francais get link library free

FULL Garfield Goes to Waist by Jim Davis francais get link library free

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Book description
Garfield Goes to Waist is a pretty funny collection of comic strips about the most greedy cat in America. Hmmm . . . is he really greedy or does he just want to be comfortable? You know, I think maybe he just wants to live life and be happy. What makes Garfield happy? A full stomach, for sure. Giving Odie the dog a swift kick in the read end make him smile. Sleep, sleep and more sleep . . . who wouldnt love that? And torturing Jon, his owner, gives Garfield a certain sense of satisfaction.When this book came out, Garfield had just passed its ten year mark. This feisty cat and the humorous characters he lives with have been making people laugh for all those years. My only wish is that there would have been more storylines in this book, rather than just so many one shots. I like a good long storyline. Still, there were quite a few funny single shots that made me smile and maybe even chuckle a little.Overall, Garfield Goes to Waist is another fun book filled with the antics of that fat cat Garfield. So, if you are looking to sit down for a laugh or two, pick up a copy of this book and begin reading.
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