FULL G is for Gumshoe by Sue Grafton how read without registering shop txt free

FULL G is for Gumshoe by Sue Grafton how read without registering shop txt free

FULL G is for Gumshoe by Sue Grafton how read without registering shop txt free

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Book description
One of the sassiest, most appealing of the recent spate of female gunshoes . . . G is for glorious, galloping read, and I cant wait for H .--Louise Bernikow, CosmopolitanGood and bad things seem to be coming in threes for Kinsey Millhone: on her thirty-third birthday she moves back into her renovated apartment, gets hired to find an elderly lady supposedly living in the Mojave Desert by herself, and makes the top of ex-con Tyrone Pattys hit list. Its the last that convinces Kinsey even she cant handle whoevers been hired to whack her, and she gets herself a bodyguard: Robert Dietz, a Porsche-driving P.I. who takes guarding Kinseys body very seriously. With Dietz watching her for the merest sign of her usual recklessness, Kinsey plunges into her case. And before its over, shell unearth the gruesome truth about a long-buried betrayal and, in the process, come fact-to-face with her own mortality. . . . Wit is the most versatile weapon in Sue Graftons well-stocked arsenal, and she uses it with disarming precision. . . . Grafton excels in this milieu.--NewsweekThe story is complex; the body-count high; the sexual encounters feverish; and the villains chilling--in another cant-put-it-down outing for this talented author.--Kirkus ReviewsFrom the Paperback edition.
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