FULL From Lambton to Longbourn by Abigail Reynolds mobi ibooks iphone

FULL From Lambton to Longbourn by Abigail Reynolds mobi ibooks iphone

FULL From Lambton to Longbourn by Abigail Reynolds mobi ibooks iphone

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Book description
Be that as it may, Elizabeth saw Darcy go with regret; and in this early example of what Lydias infamy must produce, found additional anguish as she reflected on that wretched business. The tragedy of that fateful moment at the Lambton Inn is one of the most memorable scenes in Pride & Prejudice, leaving generations of readers to wonder how the outcome would have differed if Elizabeth Bennet and Fitzwilliam Darcy had chosen to speak their feelings rather than to assume the worst about the other. From Lambton to Longbourn gives Jane Austens beloved characters a chance to reach out one last time before they part. As they create a new path forward, adventures and misunderstandings ensue as they learn about each other and the meaning of love. THE PEMBERLEY VARIATIONS by Abigail Reynolds is a series of novels exploring the roads not taken in Pride & Prejudice.
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