FULL Flood of Lies: The St. Ritas Nursing Home Tragedy by James A. Cobb Jr. online without registering iBooks cheap sale

FULL Flood of Lies: The St. Ritas Nursing Home Tragedy by James A. Cobb Jr. online without registering iBooks cheap sale

FULL Flood of Lies: The St. Ritas Nursing Home Tragedy by James A. Cobb Jr. online without registering iBooks cheap sale

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Book description
In August 2005, the world looked on in horror as thirty-five residents of St. Rita’s Nursing Home perished beneath the rising waters of Hurricane Katrina. Louisiana’s attorney general immediately targeted the owners of St. Rita’s, Sal and Mabel Mangano, for prosecution. A national media frenzy erupted, labeling the couple as selfish, cold-hearted killers, willing to let beloved parents and grandparents drown—but the reality was much different. Flood of Lies tells the real story of the Manganos: a couple who sacrificed everything to save the lives of their beloved residents.
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