FULL Finding Noel by Richard Paul Evans iphone value francais audio book

FULL Finding Noel by Richard Paul Evans iphone value francais audio book

FULL Finding Noel by Richard Paul Evans iphone value francais audio book

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Book description
Mark Smart has lost his college scholarship, his mother recently died, and he is feeling desperate and alone. When his car breaks down, he meets Macy Wood at a local coffee shop. Macy has had a rough upbringing, being adopted by a family who showed her little love after her mother died and her father lost Macy and her sister Noel because of their fathers drug addiction. Noel and Macy were separated, Noel being adopted by another family. Mark has never felt close to his father, and could really use a friend. Mark and Macy find a bond in their wounded hearts. They are both desperate for a family connection. Can Mark and Macy overcome the adversities of their pasts to see the potential good in their future?While there is definitely moments of heartache in the story, the message is uplifting and inspiring.Really 4.5 stars.
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