FULL Fantasy Life: The Outrageous, Uplifting, and Heartbreaking World of Fantasy Sports from the Guy Whos Lived It by Matthew Berry iBooks online how read via how to

FULL Fantasy Life: The Outrageous, Uplifting, and Heartbreaking World of Fantasy Sports from the Guy Whos Lived It by Matthew Berry iBooks online how read via how to

FULL Fantasy Life: The Outrageous, Uplifting, and Heartbreaking World of Fantasy Sports from the Guy Whos Lived It by Matthew Berry

> READ BOOK > Fantasy Life: The Outrageous, Uplifting, and Heartbreaking World of Fantasy Sports from the Guy Whos Lived It

> ONLINE BOOK > Fantasy Life: The Outrageous, Uplifting, and Heartbreaking World of Fantasy Sports from the Guy Whos Lived It

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Book description

Book description
I like fantasy football, and I am particularly fond of Matthew Berrys love/hate column. I suppose my husband likes both even more, since hes the one who took this book out from the library. Toward the end of the book Berry quotes a friend describing this work as a love letter to fantasy. That sounds accurate. Its a love letter, all right -- a really long love letter that often could have conveyed its contents better as a series of bulleted anecdotes.Its not entirely Berrys fault, mind you -- he falls into the same trap many blog and media types do in writing a first book. Even a 3,000-word piece cannot compare with the tens of thousands of words required to fill the space between covers. And too often it really wouldve been fine if hed just printed lists of anecdotes instead of trying to thread the tales of 5-20 leagues into a chapter. But hey, I read this book the same time as I read Mission: Al Jazeera, and Ive gotta tell you, this book is plenty more cohesive in comparison. And Matthew Berry is the most charming (to me, anyway) when hes writing about his personal life. Theres enough of his story tucked in all the fantasy gobbledygook to hold it together. Maybe not enough to recommend, but definitely enough to read once.
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