FULL Exodus by Ernst H. Wendland online value kickass how download djvu

FULL Exodus by Ernst H. Wendland online value kickass how download djvu

FULL Exodus by Ernst H. Wendland online value kickass how download djvu

> READ BOOK > Exodus

> ONLINE BOOK > Exodus


Book description

Book description
This is a Peoples Bible Commentary on the book of Exodus. It uses the text of the NIV 84 with intermittent commentary as you read. There is an extensive introduction, talking about the different types of Christ found throughout the book. It gets very useful once you reach the middle of the book and the laws start. Wendland compares much of them to other known ancient law codes, like the code of Hammurabi. It was interesting to note the differences such as the fact that thieves were allowed to make restitution instead of being killed.
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