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Book description
Some criticisms of this book have been directed towards the Buddhist nature of the text. Umm... these are essential teachings by His Holiness The Dalai Lama, one of the most revered lamas in Buddhist tradition. It would be crazy for this book not to be about Buddhism or Buddhist ideology. If you want a self-help book that Westernizes Eastern practice and attributes such appropriation to His Holiness, then you can probably find it easily enough (check all the other books associated with - not written by - The Dalai Lama). But if you want something that teaches you how to follow the Path of the Bodhisattva, for example, youre going to need to dive in further than using meditative practice solely to deal with your demanding boss at work or coping with annoying in-laws. Overall, I found this book concise and straightfoward. As such, it can only provide a brief overview of the central ideas, but it seemed to me a good place to start. The final section was a bit more philosophical in nature and appealed to me as a parallel to phenomenology as well as other various conceptions Western philosophy has only recently adopted.
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