FULL Enzymes: Go with Your Gut: More Practical Guidelines for Digestive Enzymes by Karen DeFelice find audio pc bookstore book

FULL Enzymes: Go with Your Gut: More Practical Guidelines for Digestive Enzymes by Karen DeFelice find audio pc bookstore book

FULL Enzymes: Go with Your Gut: More Practical Guidelines for Digestive Enzymes by Karen DeFelice find audio pc bookstore book

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Book description
This book is at higher level than some other enzyme therapy books, well worth of taking a look at proposed way of actions. Apart from expenses on high grade enzymes, it wouldnt hurt and maybe may help. The author helped own children neuro- and behavioral problems and speaks from own experience.The key approach is that insufficiently and improperly digested food may cause troubles, and only therapeutic grade enzymes may help. Not a commonly available nutritional supplements enzymes, that even in high doses are not good enough. Names and brands tried by her are provided. For those who are not in US, enter Enzymedica and name on your country in Internet search engine, and it will show if they are available for your country. (Skip right to pages 95-96 for usable information on this).Subtle differences in way of taking enzymes may make all the difference, schedules are provided, tips too. There should be two fold reading of this book: writing down the brands and check if they are available and affordable in high doses (p 218), and then select applicable to you information and make own schedule to follow. Cost prohibitive for low- and low-medium income. If you cant afford grass fed meat and free range eggs to completely replace the store bought ones (recommended in Cure Tooth Decay), you cant afford this schedule either, may be basics at lowest doses at most.I didnt try it, and cant say how it works, but for now I dont see any red flags, conflicting with my previous knowledge and experience.I would give it 5 stars, if it was not unapplicable for the most because of costs involved, not marked anywhere in description to target audience, and not the tiresome style. Repeated remodeling and gardening metaphors are distracting and annoying, as if there is something wrong with being precise, clear and concise. And we all like to talk about events from the lives of our own children for hours, yet are doing all possible to avoid meeting the neighbor who does the same - about own children. Same with author of this book, with all due respect.The book has no targeted audience level and proper consistent language suitable for it, it should be either simplifying metaphoric language and drawings of barrels, or at research level of dipeptydil dipeptydidase IV and alike. Repeated explanation what it is interferes with flow of reading.Too much general, un-applicable information about enzymes, guts and so on: we already know too much that dont have any practical use in our lives. Filler-free, this book could become much better and to the point.More affordable way to solve own health problems may be Living the Low Carb Life: from Atkinson ..., this is review and a practical handbook to follow.Other, previous books by Karen De Felice are Enzymes for Autism and other Neurological Conditions and Enzymes for Digestive Health and Nutritional Wealth.
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