FULL Ecotextiles: The Way Forward For Sustainable Development In Textiles by M. Miraftab (Editor) fb2 ibooks

FULL Ecotextiles: The Way Forward For Sustainable Development In Textiles by M. Miraftab (Editor) fb2 ibooks

FULL Ecotextiles: The Way Forward For Sustainable Development In Textiles by M. Miraftab (Editor) fb2 ibooks

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Book description

Book description
A carefully -chosen and edited selection of 23 papers from the Ecotextile 2004 Conference held at the University of Bolton, this book explores recycling and use of waste as raw materials in such areas as clothing and carpet manufacture. It discusses sustainability and eco-desitn with papers on improved design, use of sustainable fibers, and manufacturing techniques. Subsequent chapters review sustainable development and renewables, including composites made from textile waste. They tackle waste management in areas such as dyeing and effluent treatment. The book closes with an assessment of novel technologies, including new fibers and finishing techniques.
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