FULL Dying Eyes by Ryan Casey (Goodreads Author) price tom view online macbook

FULL Dying Eyes by Ryan Casey (Goodreads Author) price tom view online macbook

FULL Dying Eyes by Ryan Casey (Goodreads Author) price tom view online macbook

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Book description
What secrets hide behind dying eyes? With the Christmas and New Year chaos out of the way, its time for the Preston Police Department to put their feet up and return to normality. But for DS Brian McDone, there is no respite from the frenzy. An unidentified teenage girl has been found brutally murdered in a seedy section of the city, her body laced with bruises, her sharp fingernails digging into her palms. Her eyes are staring up at something in pure fear. Nobody knows who she is. As Brian and his team begin to piece together the clues, the answers lead him to places he would least expect. The further Brian digs, one question soon becomes apparent: who can he trust? The answer, it seems, may be life-threatening. The first in a new series from author Ryan Casey, Dying Eyes is a dark detective mystery with complex characters and a twisting, turning plot that is sure to please fans of the genre.
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